Bon voyage PK and Price and No Excuses

Well haven't the last few weeks been a drag for the habs and hockey. Once the olympic teams were announced we all knew the final two weeks before the olympics would be a strain on olympians and even non olympians who were looking forward to the next few weeks. This blog is really to discuss the two Habs that made it on Team Canada. It is a very important tournament for both players to establish credibility amongst the hockey elite. Carey Price is having a great year even superior to PK Subban's. PK Subban has had a good year but nowhere near his Norris winning year. On twitter we have heard all the excuses for both players as to why they are not as successful as they should be. For Price, we always get the team's defence is porous, he gets no goal support etc etc. For PK, he is playing with immobile defence partners, he has to do it all himself since the habs offence is futile. This time there will be few excuses with Team Canada. They are playing with fellow superstars a...