End of summer musings

Anyways these days I am musing about time travel. You would think that someone in the future could develop a go to the past contraption and be here among us now. If that is the case I want to know who you are and can you tell me something that will make me rich and happy. It could maybe be an alien from another planet. Is it true that Starbucks and Apple and Tesla Motors will rule the world as in the dream I had last night? The last two decades have been so progressive that change is moving at what seems the speed of light. Someone is manipulating us I am sure and I am sure it is from the future. I really enjoyed the summer up to a point. I tend to do things I enjoyed in the past so I knew what to expect. Sometimes it is better to try something new and mysterious and see what happens. I guess as I get older I try to avoid risky endeavours. Anyways enough negativity it was a great summer in Montreal not that humid and real pleasant. Montreal is still economically vi...