It's not Trump

Let us not be distracted by the clown-show that is Donald Trump. Donald is just the messenger, granted he is a bombastic egomaniac and obnoxious ahole. Unfortunately, Hillary's campaign has been keying on how unfit Donald is and attacking his temperment. They forgot what he stands for. Donald is representing the republican party. The party that wants lower taxes for rich people. The party that wants to abolish the right to have an abortion and will put in justices on the supreme court that will agree with this stand. The republican party does not want gays marrying. The party that says it will be militarily aggressive including sending soldiers in another major war and maybe use nuclear weapons. The party also intends to increase military spending. The party also does not think climate change is an issue. At the same time this is the party that thinks fossil fuels is still our future. This is the party that will do anything to abolish Obamacare. Let us also not forget this is ...