Pet Peeves of 2022

Well I got a few. Some are probably more important than others. Most are ulcer-inducing. To begin with all the people jumping on planes and crowding airports during the past year. It was like people had never ever been on a plane before. Was it really that stifling to be cautious about the pandemic. When Martin Luther King Jr proclaimed free at last I doubt he meant a vacation in Europe or the Caribbean. Next pandemic related issue is all the maskless people sneezing and coughing in public and zero regard for your fellow human. Must you really go out to sit in a coffeehouse when you are not feeling well and clearly have flulike or covidlike symptons. So many examples I encountered this year of the callousness of a good percentage of the population. There was the time the nurse was coughing non-stop as we sat in a small cubicle waiting for her to give me my flu shot. Then there was the masked lady at the hotel reception desk who the instant she was about to cough lowered the ...